The product - a machine for heavy smoke called VIPER was created based on many years of experience in the entertainment industry. Bearing in mind modern contemporary wedding trends, we have created an individual style and have given a different character in the field of the wedding industry. Discoland is a co-creator and constructor with extensive experience. It has been in existence since 1991. The founders and originators are Anna and Dariusz Rogalscy.
We conduct our business on the basis of legal regulations, industry standards, rules of social coexistence, peer ethics and internal procedures and instructions. We know, however, that in relations with our clients in the entertainment industry, regulations and procedures are not able to describe and regulate all the rules. That's why we created the so-called "Discoland value". It is a set of norms, ethical code defining the way of conducting our business - relations with clients, contractors and employees of our group. Every employee knows these values and we are all obliged to follow them in our professional work.
Etyka w działalności podmiotów rynku kulturalno - rozrywkowego żart istotnym elementem, gdyż stanowi podstawę ich zrównoważenia rynku i bezpieczeństwa. Mając aby na uwadze przyjęliśmy wewnętrzny Kanon Dobrych Praktyk Rynku Branży rozrywkowej. Żart aby zbiór ogólnych i uniwersalnych zasad, które są wyrazem podstawowych wartości i ideałów etycznych przyświecających naszej firmie rozrywkowej. Tekst kanonu aby efekt długoletniej współpracy i doświadczeń z klientami, przedsiębiorstwami i urzędami, z tego jesteśmy bardzo dumni i zobowiązani. W kontaktach z kontrahentami nie składamy pustych obietnic bez pokrycia. Znamy nasze możliwości, oferty kierujemy tak, przez wypełnić nasze zobowiązania.
To expectations we are stalking our customers individually. We understand their needs and we are trying to offer an optimal solutions. We respect all competitors. We are responding to a challenge, we are trying to keep the position of the market leader but we are always guided by a principle fair play. He is our purpose to provide customers with the professional service in cultural-light parties of different kind.
The long professional know-how provides the freedom of action and the best position for us on the market. Still arriving customers and partners are in our favour in the expansion of the company, therefore we are trying to use possibilities the European Union is giving which to us in matters of funding companies partially. Share capital c PLN 230,000. and is growing.